
University of the Algarve welcomes over 1800 international students thanks to “diversified program”

university diversityThe University of the Algarve (UAlg) is hosting activities for the more than 1800 international students who will study at the Algarve University this academic year.

In total, 23% of the new intake of UAlg students are from abroad.

According to UAlg, there has been a "very diverse program of sport, touristic, and cultural activities to welcome them".

These students, from over 85 countries, also make UAlg one of the Portuguese universities with the highest diversity of countries represented.

Brazil is the country with the largest representation, surpassing 900 students, leading to the UAlg holding a “welcome” session specifically targeted at these students.

This session was attended by representatives of the local church, the Consulate General of Brazil in Faro, the Algarve Tourism Region, the Office of International Relations and Mobility, and the Brazilian Student Centre.

For Paulo Águas, dean of UAlg, "the numbers achieved are a result of work that has been done in the university so that, in the last four years, we have almost doubled our number of students of foreign nationality."

In addition to providing opportunities through the creation of the specialized international student program, Paulo Águas emphasizes that “the university has been increasing its range of English-language masters degrees”, ensuring that “internationalization will continue to be one of the strategic focuses for the institution's development”.

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