
REMINDER: Restriction on travel between municipalities starts at midnight tonight

REMINDER: RESTRICTION ON TRAVEL BETWEEN MUNICIPALITIES STARTS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHTThe restrictions on movement between municipalities, put in place by the government, comes into effect at midnight tonight, Wednesday 30th December, meaning restrictions are in place all day Thursday 31st December until 05:00 hrs on Monday 4th January 2021. This is for all municipalities in mainland Portugal.

During the New Year period, circulation between municipalities is prohibited at certain times between 00:01 on 31st Dec and 05:00 on 4th Jan for ALL municipalities, regardless of their risk level.

Circulation restrictions in public spaces and roads for the entire continental territory:

On 31st Dec, prohibited from 23:00 to 0500 hrs the following day;
On 1st, 2nd and 3rd Jan, prohibited from 13:00 each day until the following day.

Opening hours throughout the entire continental territory:

On 31st Dec, restaurant operation is allowed until 22.30 hrs
On 1st, 2nd and 3rd, restaurant operation is allowed until 13.00 hrs, except for home deliveries.
Prohibit gatherings on the public road with more than 6 people.
It is important during this period to avoid gatherings. That is clearly the message from the Prime Minister and the aim of the law in place.

MAP SHOWING THE MUNICIPALITY BOUNDARIES and risk levels declared at beginning of the state of emergency Dec 24th - https://informationportugal.com/covidriskmap24122020

There are certain exemptions to the restrictions on movement between municipalities here:

1 –The provisions of the preceding paragraph do not apply:
a) Travel for the performance of professional or similar functions, as attested by:i) Declaration issued by the employer or equivalent;ii) Commitment to honour, if the movement takes place between municipalities bordering the home or in the same metropolitan area, as well as in the case of workers in the agricultural, livestock and fisheries sectors;iii) Declaration issued by the employee, in the case of self-employed workers, sole proprietors or members of statutory bodies;b) To travel in the exercise of the respective functions or because of them, without the need for a declaration issued by the employer or equivalent:i) Health professionals and other workers from health and social support institutions, as well as teaching and non-teaching staff from schools;c) Travel by minors and their companions to school establishments, day care centres and leisure activities, as well as travel by students to higher education institutions or other school establishments;d) Travel by users and their companionsto Occupational Activity Centres and Day Centres;e) Travel to attend educational training sessions and tests and examinations, as well as inspections;f) Travel to participate in procedural acts with the judicial entities or in acts within the competenceof notaries, lawyers, solicitors, conservators and registry officers, as well as for assistance in public services, provided that they are provided with proof of the respective appointment;g) Travel required to leave mainland Portugal (see comment below);h) Travel by non-resident citizens to places of proven residence;i) Travel for other imperative family reasons, namely the fulfilment of parental responsibility sharing, as determined by agreement between the holders of the same or by the competent court;j) Returning home.

2 –Private vehicles may travel on the public road to carry out the activities mentioned in the previous paragraph or to refuel at gas stations in the context of the trips referred to in the preceding paragraphs.

3–The restriction provided for in paragraph 1 does not prevent movement between the portions of the municipalities where there is a territorial discontinuity.

4 –Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, in all displacements made, the recommendations and orders determined by the health authorities and the security forces and services must be respected, namely those concerning the distances to be observed between people.

Prepared and translated by Safe Communities Portugal from Decree Law 9/2020.

Please be reminded that under Decree 11A/2020 valid until 23:59 on January 7th, there are certain measures in place beyond the New Year period throughout the mainland of Portugal.

Full details of this decree law 11A/2020 in English here: https://www.safecommunitiesportugal.com/decree-regulating-the-extension-of-the-state-of-emergency-until-27th-january-2021/

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