
“Algarve Senior Living Survey” will study the residential needs of seniors living in the Algarve

“ALGARVE SENIOR LIVING SURVEY” WILL STUDY THE RESIDENTIAL NEEDS OF SENIORS LIVING IN THE ALGARVEPensioners are going to be the target of a survey to better understand the needs of older citizens, particularly at the residential level, so that facilities in the region meet their needs and expectations.

The Algarve has been distinguished as one of the best destinations in the world to live in retirement, not only for the good weather all year round and for the quality of the beaches and golf courses, but also for offering other requirements highly valued by retirees: from security to care, health, the cost of living, well priced real estate and the existence of an established foreign community, these are just some of the main attributes that make this a welcoming region for those looking to retire abroad.

According to the Algarve Tourism Region, "pensioners residing in the Algarve, or who plan to move to the region, are going to be the target of a survey on Senior Living to better understand the needs of these older citizens, particularly at the residential level, and to develop and offer adequate facilities in the region, to meet the specific expectations of this increasingly important market niche".

Promoted by international consultant ProMatura, a global leader in market research for residential communities, and by ILM, a real estate consultant specialising in the hotel and tourism sector, the "Algarve Senior Living Survey" is anonymous and integrates a multinational survey that will compare behaviors, motivations, trends and characteristics of demand in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Portugal (Algarve).

The promoters of the study expect to send the survey to more than 30,000 seniors in the Algarve, of all nationalities and demographic profiles, having established partnerships with associations of foreigners resident in the region, private hospitals, English-language newspapers and various entities, including the Region do Turismo do Algarve, which will thus have access to the results of this pioneering study in the country.

For the president of Turismo do Algarve, João Fernandes, this partnership is "a sign of the confidence that the international market places in the Algarve, and a unique opportunity for private investors and policy makers to get to know in depth one of the tourist segments with the greatest growth potential in the region. The impact goes far beyond residential tourism, in that sense, I encourage all seniors to respond to the survey, so that we can meet their needs".

To access the survey just click here.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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