
Castro Marim increases support for VRSA Volunteer Firefighters

Dr Photo - CASTRO MARIM INCREASES SUPPORT FOR VRSA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERSThis year, the council attributed a support of 180,000 Euros to the Humanitarian Association of the Voluntary Firefighters of Vila Real de Santo António and Castro Marim, a massive 4 times the amount given 4 years ago.

'This is a more realistic support amount and responds to the needs and expenses inherent to the permanent relief service that the Volunteer Firefighters provide in the Municipality of Castro Marim and the maintenance of the Emergency Medical Post in Azinhal (PEM)", explains the municipality in a statement .

The guarantee of the necessary support from the municipality means PEM is now a reality for Castro Marim, especially useful where the serious lack of accessibility to provide assistance in the event of accidents, or sudden illness was most evident.

According to the council, "Castro Marim will, this year, move forward with the construction of a local training unit in the village of Azinhal, with the capacity to train civil protection agents and firefighters in the region and outside, in the most varied matters".

This unit will also be "a centre for pre-positioning resources for possible disasters and may become a accommodation unit to support intervention units in the Algarve-Andalucía territory. Co-financed by the Iberian Center for Investigation and Fighting Forest Fires (CILIFO ), this unit will reinforce the BVRSA's strategic position in the Algarve and place the Lower Guadiana as a centre for media prepositioning", concludes the Câmara de Castro Marim.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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