
Algarve reinforces promotion campaigns to attract tourists in the summer

ALGARVE REINFORCES PROMOTION CAMPAIGNS TO ATTRACT TOURISTS IN THE SUMMERTurismo do Algarve is betting on a strong promotion program, aimed at the main markets of the region, in order to attract tourists in the summer period and to encourage last minute reservations.

"The strategy involves creating campaigns, in partnership with some of the main European airlines and tour operators that work with the Algarve, with the objective of reinforcing the notoriety of the destination, arousing the interest of new visitors and converting that interest into reservations during the coming summer months ", explains Associação Turismo do Algarve in a statement.

At the moment, there are already 26 promotional campaigns that are advancing in strategic markets for the region: the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Italy and Switzerland. These campaigns have been launched, in a phased manner, since April, according to the lifting of travel restrictions and the behavior of travellers from each country.

The actions are based on a multiplatform dissemination strategy, which integrates and combines a set of digital and printed channels, carefully selected in each of the markets, promoting the Algarve as a safe destination and highlighting the diversity of experiences that the region has to offer. These 26 ampaigns will soon be joined by other similar campaigns, already defined by Turismo do Algarve, in order to accompany the progressive opening of the various countries. All of these initiatives, which will run until the end of the year, have a global value that amounts to around 7 million Euros.

“We are confident that this summer will be substantially better than the previous year”, says João Fernandes, president of Turismo do Algarve. “Even though unforeseen conditions can always arise, the signs we have regarding the resumption of demand from foreign markets are positive. Everything points to the progressive restoration of free movement in Europe, taking into account the evolution of the vaccination process and the advances towards the creation of the digital green certificate that have been announced by the European Commission ”, he adds.

The lifting of travel restrictions that has been done by some countries, allows the Algarve to envisage the arrival of more foreign tourists as of May. The dynamism and active participation of airlines and tour operators has also contributed to this. “We have been counting on a huge commitment on the part of these partners, around a common goal, which has already allowed the Algarve to recover the regular air capacity of Faro Airport and to resume most of the missed connections in 2020”, explains João Fernandes .

“The feedback we have received is positive, with some of the partners already reporting an increase in demand for flights to the region,” he says.

Among the partners that are actively participating in these actions are airlines such as Ryanair, Easyjet or British Airways and renowned tour operators.

“Everything indicates that people continue to want to travel and that there is a demand that has been“ repressed ”by the context of the pandemic. Our expectation is that, over the next few months, the environment will be more conducive to making reservations. As such, we want with these campaigns to encourage last minute bookings, showing people that they still have time to book their holidays in a destination that is fully prepared to receive them, with security, quality and flexibility ”, he concludes.



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