
COVID-19: New variant creating chaos in UK is detected in Portugal

Dr Photo - COVID-19: NEW VARIANT CREATING CHAOS IN UK IS DETECTED IN PORTUGALIn Portugal, nine cases of the new AY4.2 variant, a Delta subvariant, have already been detected, according to the latest report on the genetic diversity of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus by Doctor Ricardo Jorge of the National Health Institute, released on Tuesday.

Read the report in Portuguese HERE.

"This constellation of mutations (provisionally classified as AY.4.2) has aroused interest in the international scientific community due to its increasing frequency in the UK in recent weeks. Genetic analysis indicates that the cases detected in Portugal (between 24th August and 4th October) represent several independent introductions of the virus, which are under investigation by the Health authorities", says the document.

In the UK, where the number of new infections is on the rise, approaching the levels of the violent wave that hit the country last winter, health authorities are monitoring the new strain, which is spreading.

For eight consecutive days the UK has registered more than 40 thousand daily infections. Some experts are already calling for the return of the restriction measures.

In the last seven days, the number of new cases rose by 7%, deaths by 21% and hospital admissions by 11%. The Government says it is too early to trigger the contingency plan in England, even though the UK Health Minister, Sajid Javid, has already warned that, this winter, daily covid-19 infections could reach 100,000 and admissions to 1,000 per day.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson presented, just over a month ago, the winter plan against covid-19. This program will be triggered if there is an increase in cases that jeopardises the responsiveness of the national health service.

The vaccination program in England is behind schedule, particularly in the first doses for the youngest adults and the third dose for the oldest generations. 

Despite the increase in new cases and hospital pressure, the British government on Wednesday rejected calls for the reinstatement of restrictions, such as the use of masks indoors and teleworking, opting to give priority to vaccination.

With the relaxation of travel restrictions and covid test requirements, many UK citizens are now travelling to Europe for much missed holidays - cause for concern some might say!

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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