
Tavira police arrest two men for house thefts and muggings

TAVIRA POLICE ARREST 2 MEN FOR HOUSE THEFTS AND MUGGINGSThe Tavira PSP arrested two men yesterday, for thefts and robberies in homes and on public roads, having caused some of their victims to receive hospital treatment.

The suspects selected especially vulnerable victims, stealing items of value from them, and resorting to strong violence.

The arrests took place following “a criminal investigation carried out in recent months, making it possible to collect evidence of the various crimes of theft in residences, and robberies, some on public roads and others in the victims’ homes, in a total of 11 occurrences up to that moment”, informs the Faro District Commander of the PSP in a statement.

The suspects selected especially vulnerable victims, including foreign citizens and holidaymakers.  Due to the strong violence carried out by the theives, several times the victims had to receive hospital treatment.

During searches of the thieves homes, the authorities seized several items, namely computers, mobile phones, gold chains and rings, baseball caps, watches, purses, as well as a reproduction firearm.

“During the criminal activity carried out essentially by the duo now arrested, sometimes leading a larger group, there has been a strong feeling of insecurity in the city of Tavira, whicih is usually a quiet and peaceful city. safe", said Faro District Commander of the PSP.

The PSP states that "it will develop more investigative steps in order to identify other suspects who acted in conjunction with the detainees, as well as to relate other criminal occurrences that have come to light".

The Public Security Police reiterates "its commitment to monitor and permanently pay attention to this and other criminal phenomena, seeking to end its activity in the shortest period of time, in favour of the safety of the community".


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