
Bipolar and schizophrenic patient missing from Faro hospital

BIPOLAR AND SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENT MISSING FROM FARO HOSPITALMissing since Sunday from Faro hospital, 56 year old Carlos Santos from Alte is Bipolar and Schizophrenic and more than likely very disoriented. If anyone has seen him in Faro or surroundings, please contact family members, or the authorities.

 The family is desperate for Carlos's safe return after he escaped from the Emergency Room at Hospital de Faro, on Sunday night. He was admitted to the emergency department around 6:00 pm Sunday evening and left the health unit at around 11:00 pm.

According to the family, although Carlos Santos is bipolar and schizophrenic, “he is not aggressive. He will walk around with a very vague look because he will be disoriented”.

Carlos is 56 years old, is a little over 170 cm tall and at the time he ent missing was wearing a blue rain jacket, light blue jeans and white trainers.

His extremely worried family say, "he likes Coca-Cola a lot and will ask for cigarettes, he must be very hungry, cold and disoriented".

The PSP, GNR and Maritime Police have been alerted and have already carried out searches.

Carlos Santos was sighted, on the night of his disappearance, at the BP pump in Faro towards Olhão, and in recent days has been sighted in the Fuseta area, in the municipality of Olhão.

The family is desperate and appeals to anyone who see Carlos to contact the PSP in Faro on 289 899 899, or PSP Olhão on 289 710 770

Source https://postal.pt/


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