
Plastic bag charges coming in

4765MEPs have voted in favour of a 50% reduction in the use of lightweight plastic bags by the year 2017.

By 2019 it aims to cut back by 80% compared to usage in 2010. At that time, there was the equivalent of 200 bags for each person living in the EU, according to research.

The legislation approved by MEPs this month requires the food industry to charge for plastic carrier bags.

It further recommends a charge for bags used in the non-food sector.

If biodegradable and compostable bags are used, charges could be reduced.

The new legislation tightens up on the EU’s previous draft rules for reducing plastic bag use and waste by making targets obligatory and by requiring that bags come at a cost.

Margrete Auken, a Danish MEP from the Green group, said: “As front-running countries have demonstrated, dramatically reducing the consumption of these disposable bags is easily achievable with a coherent policy."

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