
World awaits its most expensive restaurant

caviarA new restaurant in Ibiza is billing itself as the most expensive in the world.

SubliMotion is set to open in the Hard Rock Hotel in Ibiza this summer.

Not shy about its publicity, it claims to be “a unique experience that transcends gastronomy”.

At a cost, of course. Diners will be set back £1,235 for a 20-course meal and a multisensory experience. Only 12 diners per evening will get to sit at the restaurant’s communal table which has its own light show.

The heralded Spanish chef, Paco Roncero - awarded with two Michelin Stars, three Repsol Suns and the 2006 National Gastronomy Award – calls the restaurant the achievement of his dreams in which “culinary vanguard and technological innovation” unite to create a previously “unseen emotional experience”.

This includes “the aromatization of the ambience under a musical sequence especially composed for the occasion”.

The aim is for guests to engage with technology to imagine wandering from the North Pole where they can have a cold snack they themselves carve out from their own iceberg to baroque Versailles “where the subtlety and elegance of a rose will melt in their mouths”.

Paco Roncero hopes that through his creations, people will experience the most intense emotions. He earned his reputation for avant-garde Spanish cuisine and has restaurants in Madrid and Hong Kong as well as some gastrobars where traditional tapas have been “transformed”. He also has spent research time mixing menus, techniques and advanced technology.

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