On the day that thousands of students were supposed to return to classes after the Christmas school break, teachers are again on strike, called by three unions.
The second period of the school year starts this Tuesday, but many students may not yet return to classes due to teacher strikes, which last throughout the month of January.
The Union of All Teachers (STOP) will resume the strike for an indefinite period that has been running since December 9th and led to the early closure of several schools in the last days of the first term.
The STOP union have delivered strike notices until the end of January, which also extended to non-teaching workers.
The strike was called in protest against the Government's proposals for the revision of the recruitment regime, currently under negotiation with the unions, and to demand responses from the tutelage to a set of other problems related to the teaching career and working conditions.
The National Federation of Teachers (Fenprof), one of the main trade union organizations in the sector, also decided to resume strikes for overtime, which had begun on October 24th.
The Independent Union of Teachers and Educators (SIPE) called a partial strike, also in protest against some proposals to change the recruitment regime. In this case, the strike is only for the first period of classes for each teacher, which means that teachers may be on strike at different times of the day.
A meeting is also scheduled for today, organized by Fenprof, in front of the Ministry of Education, for the delivery of a petition, signed by about 43,000 teachers, against the possibility of principals or local entities hiring teachers.
At the last negotiation meeting, in early November, Minister João Costa presented some general proposals that foresaw, for example, the transformation of the current 10 pedagogical zone staff into inter-municipal teaching maps, aligned with the 23 inter-municipal communities, as well as the creation of local boards of principals who would decide on the allocation to schools of the teachers integrated into each map.
The unions rejected this possibility, justifying that it represents a step towards the municipalization of hiring teachers, and demanded that professional graduation continue to be the sole criterion for public tenders.
The negotiating process should be resumed in the coming weeks, with no new meeting scheduled yet. However, in addition to the strikes that started today, the unions have planned other actions.
STOP will organize a march for public schools in Lisbon on January 14th and before that, Fenprof will promote a camp next to the Ministry of Education between the 10th and 13th if, by then, the minister does not back down on the proposed changes to the tenders and agree to open negotiation processes on other topics.
In conjunction with seven other unions, Fenprof also called a strike by districts, for 18 days between January 16th and February 8th. On February 11th, a national demonstration organized by the eight organizations takes place.
Source https://postal.pt/