
Rafael is walking from Porto to Faro to raise money for children with cancer

Rafael is walking from Porto to Faro to raise money for children with cancer.Rafael Reis, 18 years old, is walking from Porto to Faro to raise €2,000 for “Acreditar”, the Association of Parents and Friends of Children with Cancer.

The young man from Vila Nova de Gaia is studying Accounting at ISCAP in Porto, and came up with idea after a conversation with a friend in the summer.

“I knew it was something innovative and that it could reach some people. Therefore, I thought I would take advantage of the situation and appeal for donations. Touch as many hearts as possible”, he said.

The “Acreditar” Association was the first charity that came to mind because he appreciates the work that has been done over the last few years and because he loves children. “I have a 10-year-old sister with a cognitive disability and I have always been very close to the youngest. My mother takes care of three children alone and I know the difficulties that many families go through. That was my biggest motivation”, revealed Rafael.

The association loved the idea. It was then that the young man “locked himself in his room for the rest of the summer” to do all the planning.

To document the solidarity mission, he created the Instagram page “Desencaminhados”. The plan was to go with a friend, but due to heart problems, Rafael embarked on this adventure alone.

The journey began on September 4th in the middle of the D. Luís Bridge, in Porto. He only took a backpack weighing around 13 kilos, where he stores his clothes and tent.

Rafael, who has already covered more than 400 kilometers, is currently on his way to Almodôvar, district of Beja. He has already passed through Estarreja, Cantanhede, Almagreira, Fátima, Alcanena, Santarém, Coruche, Montemor-o-Novo, Aljustrel and Castro Verde, sleeping in fire stations several times.

He  already has very interesting stories to tell. On the second day of the journey, a lady offered him a bag of food, but Rafael couldn't carry so much weight on his back. “She told me not to worry and offered me a wheelbarrow. I went to Coruche with her and managed to take the food. The most boring part is the climbs, but the generosity of the people who offer these things has been incredible”, he says.

The mental part of the challenge is the most complicated, according to the young man, “I found myself finding excuses to give up, but I have a very strong mind”. Rafael only thinks about raising as much money as possible to help “Acreditar”. “Every cent counts and every donation is worth it.” So far he has raised around 500 euros, however he wants to reach 2,000 euros before arriving in the Algarve.

Donations can be sent to “Acreditar” MBWay (916 897 230), or to IBAN (PT50 0033 0000 00117854031 05), with “Desencaminhados” in the description.

“It has a special meaning. At the age of 18, we are all looking for something to do in life, something to work on. We are misguided and I am doing this precisely to find my place”, he says.



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