Polar air brings cold, dry weather from next week

POLAR AIR BRINGS COLD, DRY WEATHER FROM NEXT WEEK - Photo courtesy of Paradise in PortugalAlfredo Graça, meteorologist and coordinator of Meteored Portugal, forecasts that the second half of November will see a radical change in the weather, probably from Monday, November 20th.

Forecasts indicate that a good part of the second half of November will be marked by the arrival of polar air, with colder weather and much less rain.

After several weeks of rain and mild temperatures, the weather pattern has changed significantly in mainland Portugal in recent days, giving rise to the popularly known “Summer of São Martinho”, with much drier and milder weather thanks to the anticyclone and a mass of unusually warm subtropical air for the time of year.

However, the days of mild weather won't last long, as polar air is expected to arrive soon.

According to Alfredo Graça, sharp drops in temperatures will take place between November 20th and 27th, colder than usual in the Algarve, for this time of year, but the rest of November is expected to be at temperatures generally within the average.


Photo courtesy of Paradise in Portugal