
Direct route to China from Lisbon

airplane2A breakfast meeting between Portugal’s President Cavaco Silva and bosses from local companies, including China Eastern Airlines, has resulted in an agreement in principle for a direct air route between Shanghai and Lisbon.

The new route, probably to be run by a Chinese company such as China Eastern Airlines, is seen as crucial for boosting tourism, according to a statement today from Economy Minister, Pires de Lima .

Both Pires de Lima and the Chinese ambassador in Portugal referred to the various opportunities that are coming up with new Portuguese privatisations, and the investment plan for infrastructure that already has been announced by the Portuguese Government for the period 2014-2020.

The minister said that China has already become the tenth largest of Portugal’s customers and was looking for €1 billion in exports this year.

Speaking at the banquet as a guest of the Mayor of Shanghai, the Portuguese President stressed the "crucial role" of this "great city" in the common goal of increasing bilateral relations, which Portugal had accepted willingly by opening a Consulate General in 2006 with the city of Shanghai being twinned with Oporto.

The President recalled his visit to this city 20 years ago as prime minister, "Today I see erected a grandiose project that was presented to me on paper by the authorities. Projects of this size require great determination and strategic vision, Shanghai has demonstrated that.”

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