
Morocco builds wall to isolate Europe

ceutawallMorocco has begun building a wall to enhance border security at the two Spanish enclaves on its land, Ceuta and Melila.

The two parcels of Europe in North Africa are the frequent targets of illegal immigrants seeking opportunities in Europe.

Reports suggest the wall will be five yards in height and topped with blades to discourage would-be migrants from scaling it. There are also plans for a trench containing razor wire at the foot of the wall.

Digging on the foundations has begun at the northern border with Melilla, an area that has seen a series of mass assaults by desperate migrants.

Human rights organisations have reacted negatively to the plans, claiming the Moroccan parliament has not been informed despite working having commended three weeks ago. The security measures have been denounced as illegal and inhumane.

Moroccan officials have neither confirmed nor denied the border protection measure.

Spain already has in place a triple layer fence which has razor wire on top, but thousands of migrants have nevertheless managed to get across it. Spain is throwing a further €2.1 million at the security problem.

In February, the EU criticised Spain when it emerged that civil guards had fired rubber bullets into the sea migrants trying to enter from the sea.

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