
Silves: Herdade da Parra National Forest trail opens

SILVES: HERDADE DA PARRA NATIONAL FOREST TRAIL OPENSThe Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) officially opened the new Herdade da Parra National Forest trail in Silves this Monday, a pedestrian route “to attract people” to the interior of the Algarve, through an area affected by the huge fire that broke out in Monchique in 2018.

With a length of 6.5kms and a circular route, the trail includes 10 observation points of flora, fauna, rest areas and a picnic area, in the Silves mountains. Hikers can observe native trees such as willows, strawberry trees and cork oaks along the route, and animal species such as deer, wild boar, Bonelli's eagle and the red partridge.

ICNF regional director Joaquim Castelão Rodrigues explained that, “the objective is to take people to the Algarve interior so they can enjoy nature, while at the same time contributing to the prevention of forest fires.”

The Trilho da Parra was born from an ICNF project, financed by the Environmental Fund to “give evidence to an environmentally rich area affected by fires”, in 2018 and 2023.

In 2018, fire consumed around 60% of the 806 hectares of the Herdade da Parra National Forest, destroying several species of native trees and animals, including deer and red partridge.

According to Snr Rodrigues, after the 2018 fire, the ICNF made three applications “to restore the environmental value of the forest, namely emergency stabilization, reforestation and intervention in the area that was not affected” by the fire. This has resulted in "three projects with a global value of 640,000 euros”, financed by the PDR2020 (Rural Development Program).

For the ICNF 's Algarve regional director , the trail “highlights the concern that exists with the preservation of the forest, knowing that the movement of people is a prevention and warning factor for fire situations”.

Information regarding the “Trilho da Parra” an be found on the website: https://trilhodaparra.pt/en/parra-trail/

The route classified as “difficult” is open throughout the year with free access.

Photo Hugo Eusébio


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