
Municipality of Silves approves housing solutions for 124 families

MUNICIPALITY OF SILVES APPROVES HOUSING SOLUTIONS FOR 124 FAMILIESThe Municipality of Silves approved the review of the Local Housing Strategy, within the scope of the implementation of the 1st Law Program and the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The municipality will maximize financing opportunities to provide more affordable housing units for 124 families, "bringing together better living conditions for those who live in overcrowded, precarious accommodation and/or unhealthy, and, at the same time, do not have the financial capacity to access decent housing".

Silves City Council also reveals that the new Local Housing Strategy, available on the municipality's website (www.cm-silves.pt), includes a total of public investment in the order of 13 million euros, to be implemented until mid-2026, to be spent on the acquisition (and rehabilitation) of housing units and the rehabilitation of the municipal housing stock.

In a statement, the municipality invites interested parties to submit proposals for the sale of properties intended for housing to the email address sasocial@cm-silves.pt, which will be analyzed by the services, in line with the criteria defined in the 1st Law Program.

Photo courtesy of Depositphotos.com 


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