
Snake goes on holiday to an Albufeira hotel

SNAKE GOES ON HOLIDAY TO AN ALBUFEIRA HOTELA snake was discovered, holidaying in a hotel room in Albufeira earlier this week. Bombeiros were called to intervene (see video).

Volunteer firefighters were called out due to the presence of a snake inside a tourist unit at the hotel. They swiftly captured the Bothrops jararaca snake, which is venomous but not highly dangerous to humans.


“After capture and, as it is an endemic species present in the region and poses no danger to the population, the jararaca was returned to its natural habitat, in a countryside area and away from residential areas”, said the Bombeiros.

They later published a video on their Bombeiros Albufeira Facebook page, showing the snake's release - https://www.facebook.com/100064585424086/videos/1682141412553702/


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