
Guia: 6 people arrested at illegal campsite

GUIA: 6 PEOPLE ARRESTED AT ILLEGAL CAMPSITEThe GNR have arrested 6 people at an illegal campsite in Guia, Albufeira, charged with several crimes including tax fraud.

In a statement, the Guard reported that it has charged three men and three women, aged between 36 and 58, for violating urban planning rules, pollution, disobedience, damage and tax fraud.

According to the note, the Environmental Crimes and Offences Investigation Unit (NICCOA) of the Nature and Environment Protection Service (SEPNA) of the GNR carried out an inspection on Monday, at a campsite that operates “illegally” next to the well-known Guia shopping centre (Algarve Shopping). More than a hundred mobile homes are installed on the site, without a license.

In the statement, the GNR confirm that "mobile, prefabricated or wooden homes, containers, caravans or other similar solutions”, “are still subject to prior urban planning licensing, regardless of whether the construction or installation in question can be removed and moved to another location”.

According to the GNR statement, Environment Protection police carried out 25 search warrants, four at homes, six in mobile homes and 15 in vehicles, having detected ten infractions. As a result, ten administrative offence reports were drawn up, four for failure to pay circulation tax and six for failure to declare entry into national territory, which were sent to the Tax Authority (AT) and the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) respectively.

During the operation, among other things, 45,253 euros in cash, 12 mobile homes, seven vehicles, a shotgun, a pistol and two air rifles were seized.

All findings were communicated to the Albufeira Judicial Court. 

Photo courtesy of Depositphotos.com

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