This week, Olhão City Council is starting road works on Avenida D. João VI, at the intersection with Rua Dâmaso da Encarnação and Rua 18 de Junho, which include the construction of a roundabout in the area known as Quatro Estradas.
The project represents a municipal investment of around 600,000 euros and is expected to last four months.
The works will cause traffic restrictions, meaning vehicles will need to use an alternative route (see map below).
“Once completed, the roundabout will provide greater fluidity to traffic on all arteries in that area, and will offer better safety conditions for pedestrians”, guarantees Olhão council.
The number of lanes is expected to increase, the parking area will remain, the pedestrian pathways and lighting will be improved, ecological islands will be implemented, and the entire area will be landscaped.
The mayor, António Miguel Pina, says that “this is a long-awaited intervention and that, once completed, and together with the new Variante and the end of tolls on Via do Infante, it will be the starting point for a more in-depth requalification, which will return the avenue to the people of Olhão, ceasing to be a connecting artery between Barlavento and Sotavento, as is the case today”.