Olhao's 'Berlin Wall' again destroyed by locals

OLHAOCROSSINGREOPENEDThe game of cat and mouse continues in Olhão as once again enraged locals have removed the fencing each side of the railway line at the pedestrian crossing that the railway company is intent on closing off.

Refer, the government rail company, decided to fence off the popular pedestrian crossing, assuming that locals would use the nearby underpass, and sent in its contractors to erect a fence and remove the original barriers that stopped bicycles whizzing across the railway line.

Older people and wheelchair users are unable to negotiate the steep, narrow underpass so in defiance locals covertly cut away the offending fencing and re-established the crossing to the delight of pedestrians and 99.99% of Olhão’s residents.

Refer sent in its contractors again who erected new fencing. Refer complained that it was within its rights and people could just use the alternative walkway, all on the grounds of ‘elf and safety.

The mayor of Olhão, late on the scene as ever but sensing votes, gave his support to locals and even had a banner hung at the underpass, as he tried to disguise the fact that Refer had warned the council of its impending action ages ago and had received no response.

The pedestrian crossing divides the city in two and without the crossing, wheelchair users, the elderly and even parents pushing prams are not able to use the underpass whcioh regularly becomes impassable when it rains, see picture:


This cause célèbre has become known as Olhão’s 'Berlin Wall' and locals, many of them remembering Olhão's feisty and anti-authoritarian origins, intend to have their way however many times the fencing has to be removed.

The third fence, erected on the orders of an increasingly desperate Refer management, has been destroyed as well as a section of metal railing and the rubble left by contractors to deter future pedestrians has been compacted in part to allow walkers to cross the railway line.

Short of actually erecting a wall the railway company is fighting a losing battle against determined locals.