
Clube Praia da Rocha chained protestor goes home after 15 days

clubepraiadarochaMarilu Santana chained herself to the stairwell railings in Clube Praia da Rocha, Portimão, 15 days ago in protest at the management company's refusal to pay overdue wages to her and other temporary workers who all have been waiting since the end of last year’s tourist season.

After 15 days and nights Santana is victorious as company administrator Paulo Martins has given a written undertaking that Green Stairs will pay up.

Santana's protest was even discussed in parliament as local MPs took up the case. Others saw her protest as disruptive and futile, such as local tourism boss Desidério Silva who suggested that the demonstration was giving the place a bad name as tourists staying at the resort were able to witness events.

On April 1st, co-workers and supporters organised a loud and slow drive-by along nearby streets to draw attention to their plight but the management of Green Stairs said the workers whose contracts finished last October would only be paid this June as there was no money.

Isilda Gomes, Portimão mayor, ended up mediating in the conflict and the workers reached an agreement with the management for the payment of part of their wage arrears now and the rest by the summer.

Tiago Jacinto from the representing union confirmed that there now was a written and signed agreement with Paulo Martins for the payment of wages arrears.

Determined Marilu had remained chained to the railing by her waist for over two weeks as others slept outside the tourism complex in solidarity.

Her anger at being treated badly led to 15 days of discomfort and an eventual win for the workers over a management which at first refused to discuss the matter, later entering in to talks and finally coming up with some sort of mutually acceptable agreement.

The fact this reached parliament is a credit to workers’ action and the power of the media, yet in a country where much of the labour law favours labour over the employer, this obvious gap in legislation should be filled as soon as possible.

Clube Praia da Rocha's management has a poor history and by being shamed into action, rather than being able to treat workers as expendable, local press and council soon will be alerted should Martins fail to keep his part of the current bargain.  

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