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Loulé’s new heliport facilities opened by minister

helicopter2The new Minister of Internal Affairs today opened new facilities at the helicopter base to the south of Loulé.

The new building will allow civil protection and medical emergency services to operate with better facilities and coordination.

Anabela Rodrigues, the new minister, presided over the inauguration of the support building for the heliport in a visit to the Algarve that saw her also open a civil defence facility in Portimão, paid for by the controversial levy on householders’ rates bills.

The Loulé heliport now has a new multipurpose building of two floors with rooms for crews, a reception and a communications centre.

The INEM medical emergency helicopter service needs a team available 24/7 and they now have better facilities, as do staff from the National Authority for Civil Protection.

The Loulé mayor, Victor Aleixo, said that this work was fully funded by the council at a cost of €600,000.

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-16 #3 Peter Booker 2015-04-16 08:59
How many towns the size of Loulé have two heliports? It must have a very rich Câmara.
-14 #2 Ed 2015-04-15 22:55
Quoting Peter Booker:
The heliport that I know of is on the road between Loulé and São Brás, which is to the east of Loulé. Have they opened a different one?
I am pretty sure this is the one south of Loule, past the cemetery.
-13 #1 Peter Booker 2015-04-15 21:09
The heliport that I know of is on the road between Loulé and São Brás, which is to the east of Loulé. Have they opened a different one?

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