
More trouble at Parque da Floresta as workers strike

parquedaflorestaWorkers at the troubled Parque da Floresta resort in Vila do Bispo, are on strike today, demanding the payment of salary arrears.

The Union of Workers of the Hospitality and Tourism Industry is backing the action of 100 workers who demand at least a 20% payment of their March and April wages.

The workers also would appreciate payment of their Christmas bonuses and holiday pay going back to 2012, as well as the managing company’s agreement that they should qualify for a food allowance and extra wages for working on public holidays.

Golfe Santo António, which manages the Parque da Floresta resort, has been in insolvency proceedings since 2012 along with the other companies involved in managing Parque da Floresta which is in liquidation.

Union representative Tiago Jacinto said that in addition to these 100 employees, there are still about 400 employees at associated companies who have been laid off and have never been paid their wage arrears.

The union says that in the case of Golfe Santo António, the insolvency administrator is now to proposed to the creditors that the company be wound up.

"The workers are tired of this opaque process and decided to engage in a strike to highlight the problem and to demand payment of the money owing to them, as well as respect for their rights," said the union representative.

The union has requested a meeting with the insolvency practitioner to ask for wage payments to be made.

According to Tiago Jacinto, the outcome of the meeting will be relayed later to employees so that they can decide how to proceed should their demands not be met.


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