
Portas goes to Bordeaux to promote Portugal's wine exports

vinesThe Deputy Prime Minister Paulo Portas popped up in Bordeaux today where he stated his intention that Portugal should export €900 million of wine.

Portas stressed the commitment of those Portuguese businessmen who are investing heavily in the industry to support exports with much of the €100 million a year handed to Portuguese businesses in the form of EC grants.

"Four years ago, we exported just over €600 million of wine. At this point we already are exporting €730 million a 20% growth," said Portas during his visit to Vinexpo, an International Wine and Spirits Fair held in Bordeaux.

The Portas goal now is to reach €900 million, "which should be easier due to the new framework for companies to internationalise more and export more."

Portugal's wines are another good news story so it is unsurprising that Paulo Portas appeared with some well chosen and encouraging snippets for the press to reproduce.

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