Algarve Tourist Board launches novel festive campaign

fireworksAdvertising plans are afoot to bring to Spanish and Portuguese revellers to the Algarve for New Year's Eve.
A multimedia advertising campaign launched by Algarve Tourism aims to convince undecided trippers to head south.

From now until the 17th of December publicity will be seen on billboards, buses, in the press and on television, radio and at ATMs when taking out money.

The tourist board also has hired two balloons that will be tethered above two prominent locations in Lisbon and Oporto "to show that there is no better destination than the Algarve in 2014."

According to the tourist board the "mega-campaign" will last 16 days on 1,100 billboards installed in shopping malls, train and metro stations, 775 posters on the rear of buses in Lisbon, Oporto and Braga, 15 ads in magazines and newspapers in Portugal and Spain, 260 spots on Spanish radio and advertising space in 2,250 ATMs across the country.

With this campaign Algarve tourism aims to "encourage all those who still have not decided what to do for New Year’s Eve to travel to the region, which will be alive with celebrations."

Music, fireworks, special menus and attractive prices everywhere should guarantee "an extra dose of joy for those who have decided to be out and about when the clock strikes twelve, rather than sat at home."

"The message that we want to convey is that the Algarve is ideal as a New Year's Eve destination as the usual events in the Algarve's cities, towns and villages are enhanced by hotels and restaurants offering good deals. The campaign addresses the enlarged internal market of both Spain and Portugal and represents a major investment by the tourist board," according to an enthused Desiderio Silva, the board’s president.