
Portugal’s employment rate fell during peak season

construction2The number of people employed in the EU went up by 0.4% in the third quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter.

There were only three countries where a decrease in employment was recorded – Portugal (-0.5%), Croatia (-0.6%) and Malta (-0.3%).

In every other country, employment went up according to national accounts estimates and published by Eurostat.

Ireland, Spain and the UK all reported 0.6% growth.

Employment in Portugal increased during the January to June period, but faltered, perhaps surprisingly, during the high-season tourist months of July through September.

The picture compared to 2014, however, is more positive. More people in 2015 were in work for the year than had been the case in every quarter of 2014.

Across the EU, the number of jobs in professional and support services rose the most, followed by work in real estate and in trade, transport, food and accommodation and in information and communication.

Job losses were marked in agriculture, forestry and fishing as well as in construction.

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