
Passos Coelho's Christmas speech - "it's time to let António Costa rule"

passoscoelho2Portugal's former Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, said in his Christmas speech released today, for those who wanted to take on the responsibilities of government, to let them get on with it. 

"Now that there is a new government it is time to leave those who wanted to take on this responsibility to govern, to give them time to affirm their policies and contribute to solving the most important problems in our way," said Pedro Passos Coelho in his video message.

The leader of the Social Democrats "is seeking to contribute to this new phase, with an responsible and constructive attitude that meets the needs of the Portuguese people."

In the first part of today's message, Passos Coelho said that "for many, the predictability and confidence of recent years has been shaken by the most unexpected events following the elections, which opened a political crisis culminating in the overthrow of the previous government and the emergence of a new majority that supports a different government, which is now led by the Socialist Party."

Referring to his own record, Passos Coelho said that the year-end has confirmed the country’s ability to "grow and create jobs," showing that the "enormous efforts" made over the past few years "were not in vain" and that we today can "face the future with more autonomy more ambitious economic choices."

About the future, Passos Coelho said that together we are called upon to solve problems and situations that test our resolve, resilience and capacity.

"If we want to live better lives and with more justice we always have to strive. Today I continue to believe in the capabilities of the Portuguese people and our ability to overcome our collective problems," he said.

According to Passos Coelho, the country and the Portuguese have gone a long way in having their good results recognised in the world, but that we are still far from the eventual targets of, "more peace, justice and opportunity for all."

"This Christmas, I want to send a message of great hope and confidence in the future because I know what the Portuguese are capable of."

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