
Lisbon’s Cardinal says empathy needed for refugees from abroad and “refugees” at home

refugees‘Solidarity’ was the theme chosen for the traditional Christmas message from the Cardinal Patriarch of the diocese of Lisbon who spoke of refugees from war-torn countries and the duty of all to improving their conditions.

"There are many people throughout the world that particularly are affected by conflicts of all kinds, we want to be involved and committed to improving conditions so they can live in peace and security," said Manuel Clemente in his message broadcast on RTP1.

Evoking Jesus Christ, himself a refugee in Egypt when he was an infant,* Manuel Clemente said his reference on this "holy night" is to check "how humanity can, and should grow together in solidarity."

The Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon called for "a commitment of solidarity" reminding us that there are other 'refugees' in our own families or neighbourhoods who seek help and do not have it.

"It is not always those who come from far away that we should consider refugees because there are a lot of people, sometimes close to us, maybe in our own families or in our neighbourhood, who also seeks refuge, companionship, comfort and who do not receive it due to the circumstances of their lives."

In his message, Manuel Clemente quoted Pope Francis in remembering that the migrant crisis in Europe is a problem that requires "the best solution as it touches everyone: we need shared values , mutual growth and the engagement of society in resolving those conflicts in their home countries” such as  Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Eritrea.

Manuel Clemente was named patriarch of Lisbon May 18, 2013 and appointed cardinal in February 2015.







* The flight into Egypt is a biblical event described in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23), in which Joseph fled to Egypt with his wife Mary and infant son Jesus after a visit by Magi because they learn that King Herod intends to kill the infants of that area.

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