
Danes enticed to have more sex

stockingsThe Danish branch of Thomas Cook has launched an advertising campaign to get couples to visit romantic cities in the hope of boosting the declining birth rate.

“Do it for Denmark!” claims that Danes have 46% more sex while on holiday and that 10% of the population was actually conceived by parents who were holidaying out of the country.

British cider shortage forecast

ciderMany orchards in the West Country were swamped for weeks during the wettest winter on record.

The floods left the UK’s 17,300 acres under threat and there are fears that many of the millions of trees planted in the last ten years may not survive.

Portugal's Extra Virgin olive oils lead the field

olivetreeOlive oil produced in Portugal has won the most awards at the 4th International Olive Oil Competition for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Portugal’s 11 wins beat the Spanish offerings which won 9 awards. The Italian oils received three awards, and one olive oil from Chile was selected for an award in a competition that saw olive oil competing from as far afield as Greece, Slovenia, Uruguay and Germany.

Faro Council “Ribeira das Lavadeiras has clear water”

sewagepipeFaro Council today denied that Ribeira das Lavadeeiras, near the N125 at city exit to Olhão, was an 'open sewer,' saying that the river discharges "clear water."

The municipality was responding to yesterday’s alert from the opposition party which said the area was nothing but an "open sewer" and demanded the intervention of the Ministry of Environment to resolve the situation with the council.

“Defend the Hospital of the Western Algarve and maintain all services”

hospitalchartThus spake the parliamentary group of the PCP through its elected Algarve MP Paulo Sá.

Petition no.º 335/XII/3.ª, soon tio be discussed in parliament, is for "Defending the hospital in the western Algarve and maintaining all services specialties, human and material resources in Portimão Hospital," and has been organised by the Committee of Users of the Health Services of Portimão.

New BES development near Portimão - just 12 homes on 439 hectares

developmentBESPortimaoQuintas D'Al-Gariya is a new development project from the BES Real Estate Investment Fund located next to Morgado de Reguengos golf course, north of Portimão.

The project covers 439 hectares and far from offering hundreds of apartments, town houses and the inevitable spa the company is to build just 12 individual homes on plots of between 27 and 64 hectares each. This may have been a planning requirement from the council but the opportunity is an interesting and welcomed departure from the norm.

Faro receptionist killers found guilty and sentenced

prisonTwo men arrested and charged with the death of a receptionist at the Hotel Afonso III in Faro in the early hours of April 14th last year were found guilty in Faro Court today and have been sentenced.

The death of the receptionist, who was 82-years old, occurred as he was held at gunpoint then attacked during a robbery following which the two men stole the safe from the small hotel near Faro railway station.

Faro mayor returns from Oporto, full of ideas

oportoThe mayors of Faro and Oporto are working together to promote tourism in both regions and are working on summer promotions, according to Faro's new mayor, Rogerio Bacalhau.

'The creation of greater levels of awareness and promotions in both regions' is the vacuous stated aim of these two Portuguese municipalities, 500 kilometres apart.