
UK benefits from overseas visits

4801Visits to the UK reached a record number in 2013.

A record of 32.89 visits were made, an increase of 6% over 2012. The previous high record was in 2007 when 32.78 million visits took place.

Greek unemployment hits dangerous record

acropUnemployment in Greece continues on its upward trajectory, escalating to a record high of 28% in November.

For the country’s young people under the age of 25, the rate hit 61.4%.

Argentina objects to British flag

argentinaArgentina ordered the British flag to be taken down from a cruise liner when it docked in Buenos Aires.

The captain of Cunard’s Queen Victoria was threatened with a hefty fine if he continued to fly the red ensign, the British merchant fleet flag, while in port.

2013 Tax Amnesty cost €494 million, with refunds still to come

financaslogoLast winter’s tax amnesty programme cost the state €494 million, according to a response from the Ministry of Finance to a question in Parliament.

The well publicised tax amnesty allowed those paying before the 2013 year end legally to avoid most interest charges, fines and court costs on money claimed by the state in taxes and fines.

Bar Association 'vehemently rejects' court closure law well after the event

justiceThe General Council of Portugal’s Bar Association  has expressed its "vehement rejection" of the new judicial map for Portugal which will see many of the nation's courts close completely while others are to be downgraded.

The Association's Council said that it expresses solidarity with those affected by the closures by its rejection of the reduction in the number of courts in the country whereby “many council areas now have their court in regional capitals, twenty courts are to close, and a further 27 downgraded to mere ‘counter service’ and of the measures included in the approved legislation which affect citizens’ rights and freedoms, and the guarantee for citizens of the fundamental principle of access to justice and the rule of law.”

Portugal’s manufacturing beats all EU

shipyardPortugal’s industrial production rose by 0.7% in December, marking the third consecutive month of growth.

In contrast, the December average for all 17 eurozone countries was a contraction of 0.7% when compared to November.

Spain invites back its Jews

jewishlogoDescendants of the Sephardic Jewish community which lived in Spain 500 years ago are being asked to return and take up dual citizenship.

Spain's government has approved a draft bill that will allow them citizenship. When approved, the new law could embrace up to 3.5 million people worldwide from a broad range of countries, including Israel, the Netherlands, Mexico, France, the US, Turkey, Argentina and Chile.

Pink Panther detained in Spain

pinkpantherA man suspected of being a member of the notorious gang of jewel thieves has been arrested in Spain.

The group has carried out raids on many high end jewellery shops, including a number on the French Riviera as well as London, Tokyo and Dubai, robbing some £100 million worth of gems.