
UK Government promotes electric cars

vwThe British coalition government has underlined its commitment to electric vehicles by launching a campaign and announcing an investment of £9 million in more charging points.

Go Ultra Low is a £2.5 million campaign promoting the benefits of electric and plug-in hybrid cars.

Communists join battle for the Algarve's ports

olhaoportThe Portuguese Communist Party in the Algarve said it is wholly against the transfer of the management of the Algarve’s commercial ports to Sines and is to present an alternative proposal to government for the creation of a Port Authority of the Algarve.

"This was a decision that is contrary to the interests of the people of the Algarve due the specific nature of the ports business in the region, the prospects for the development of our fisheries, our industry and our tourism," said the Communists who have rather missed the boat as the time to submit complaints was before the management of the Algarve’s ports was stripped from local hands and given, for reasons best known to Lisbon, to a port authority in Sines, 200 kilometres up the coast.

Small-scale farmers granted another month

alentejo2The deadline for small-scale farmers to register their activities with Finanças and social security which ended last Friday has been extended for the fourth time, this time to April 30th 2014.

"The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, March 2012, judged the VAT licensing scheme for small farmers in Portugal contrary to the VAT Directive. Portugal then withdrew the proposed scheme, replacing it with its general VAT regime applicable to all economic agents,' according to a statement from the Ministry of Finance.

Foetus found in well near Castro Marim

countrysideThe bodies of a was discovered at the bottom of a well in the parish of Azinhal, Castro Marim.

The remains were concealed in a bag in the dry well of about 10 metres depth and have been removed by Vila Real de San António firefighters to be taken to the office of Medicina Legal de Faro for investigations.

MP says "Give expats the right to vote..."

MP says "Give Ex-Pats the right to vote..."Expat UK citizens should be given the right to vote in perpetuity. 

That is the view expressed this morning by Sir Roger Gale, MP (North Thanet) following a statement by the European Commission in support of the proposal. 

Algarve movement calls for Health Minister's resignation

barlaventohospitalA new citizens’ movement in Defence of the Public Health Services of the Algarve is kicking off its activities with a rally in Portimão and a Sunday demonstration along the EN 125. Both actions have the aim of forcing the resignation of the Minister of Health.

The movement has stated that that its actions intend to highlight the "degradation in the region of the National Health Service and at the same time to ask for the resignation of the Health Minister, Paulo Macedo" and of course the president of the Board of Directors of the Hospitals of the Algarve, Pedro Nunes who wants to go back to Lisbon anyway.

Estradas de Portugal to introduce yet another toll system

epEstradas de Portugal will "very soon" deliver a report to the Government on yet another new tolling system for the formerly free SCUT roads. This will enable the government to “make a decision,” according to the ever-hopeful road company’s president.

António Ramalho said today that his company is working with Brisa and Ascendi to "find technical and operational solutions that will allow greater flexibility in the tolling system" on the former SCUT roads.

FCO canvassing for expat views

fcoThe Foreign Affairs Committee has launched an inquiry into the quality of consular services provided to British citizens in need abroad.

It has invited UK nationals to report on their experiences of consular services in three key areas: from those who have been in difficulty or distress abroad, those who have been involved in large-scale events and crises, and expats who have received routine consular services.

The Committee says it wants to hear personal experiences of those who have used the FCO’s consular services.