
Portugal again fined for slow justice system

justicePortugal again has been condemned and fined by the European Court of Human Rights over the country’s lethargic justice system relating to four new cases which had been listed as being particularly poor examples of Portugal’s justice system, cases that have been languishing in the Portuguese courts for years.

The total level of fines was low but the point has been made time and time again that a key aspect of a civilised society is the right of its citizens to have access to a fair and timely system of justice. This is not happening in Portugal and many litigants with sensible claims are deterred from entering into a lifetime of lawyer's fees by actually going to court.

Portugal's top 30 infrastructure projects identified, 2 in the Algarve

shipyardA government working group has identified 89 infrastructure projects and has listed 30 as priorities. Most are related to the port sector and the expansion of the Port of Sines is one of the priorities.

One of the government’s stated aims is for a 50% increase in turnover from the maritime sector by 2020.

Portimão corruption investigation spreads to football stadium

portimaocamaraThe former vice-mayor of Portimão council, Luís Carito, has regularly to present himself at the local police station from now on, after nearly 6 months of wearing an electronic ankle bracelet.

Luís Carito and Jorge Campos, formerly the vice-mayor and a councilor at Portimão council; the head of Portimão Urbis, Lélio Branca, and Artur Curado and Luís Marreiros from Pictures Portugal all were arrested last June on suspicion of corruption, maladministration and money laundering.

'Golden Visa' Chinese boost top-end property sales

villaThe Government has issued a further 49 Golden Visas in the first 25 days of 2014, according to Rui Machete, Portugal’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Since the start of the scheme to January 23rd 2014, the government has approved 535 applications for the special residence permits, according to data provided by Machete's Ministry.

British love of chocolate expands

chocolateThe British chocolate industry was given a boost when it was announced that £75 million will be poured into creating new facilities at the Cadbury factory in Bournville.

The money will be invested by Mondelez, the European operation of food giant Kraft and owner of Cadbury following a controversial takeover in 2010.

US Army turns to robots

usmilitaryThe US Army is giving serious thought to using robots and remote-controlled vehicles instead of soldiers, according to a senior officer.

Generals are considering proposals in light of upcoming large-scale troop cuts. Trains of robot vehicles could follow those driven by humans in long supply convoys, replacing any number of manned lorries and transporters.

UK pensioners consider renting out rooms

londonpropStruggling pensioners in the UK, desperately looking for a boost in income, are increasingly thinking about renting out their spare rooms.

New research shows that nearly half of all pensioners in the UK, more than five million people, cannot afford to make ends meet.

Portugal will bid farewell to the Troika in May

alberquerquePortugal’s Finance Minister said the decision on how and when to exit the bailout should be taken “in April” and that the choice of having a ‘precautionary programme’ or a 'clean exit' remains open.

The position of Maria Luís Albuquerque, was made clear at a press conference after a Eurogroup meeting in Brussels.