Lawyers and accounts face the taxman over late fee payments

justiceMembers of professional bodies, such as accountants and lawyers, no longer will be able to delay paying annual fees and then wait to be taken to court.

Following a change in law, that has not been used for five years, the taxman is to issue enforcement proceedings against reticent payers from the professional classes, treating them like ordinary citizens who must pay up or risk losing cars, furniture and property.

Olhão's cultural vandalism continues - another historic building demolished

OlhaoSports7SMALLOlhão football club’s former headquarters on the Avenida da Republica was torn down today to make way for a block of apartments.

The Sports Club ‘Os Olhanenses,’ building was inaugurated in December, 1937 and acted as the football club’s social and administrative centre until the 1980s. It also housed the city's first Civil Registrey in the '60s. The building now is a footnote in Olhão's history.

Santa Clara reservoir - body of Richard Chapelow recovered

chapelowAfter nearly three weeks of anguish, as divers tried time and time again to locate the body of Richard Chapelow beneath the deep waters of the Santa Clara Reservoir, his remains were spotted in the water by the estate gardener.

The 29-year-old Briton was one of four being pulled at speed on a ‘banana boat’ inflatable by others on a speedboat.

Pedrógão Grande deaths - negilgent homicide charges to be announced

FirePedGrandeCarThe death of 66 people in last June's devastating fire at Pedrógão Grande is to result in charges of negligent homicide against most, if not all of the defendants.

The fire was started in an area of tinder-dry vegetation underneath electrical cables, despite denials by EDP and REN, and spread rapidly in the heavily forested area.

Mayor reannounces grand plan for Faro's riverside

rogerioBacalhauFaro’s Mayor, Rogério Bacalhau, announced that he is to push ahead with his masterplan to develop the city's riverside area and to replace the commercial docks with a new marina .

Bacalhau was speaking at the opening ceremony for Faro’s ‘city day,’ attended by the Minister of the Sea, Ana Paula Vitorino and took the opportunity to relaunch existing plans for a seafront promenade, recreational docks and the conversion of the commercial port.

Suspicious Olhão environmental grant helped by 'ministerial influence'

olhaoparkAs the raw sewage continues to flow into the Ria Formosa, day in - day out, the untroubled Olhão mayor has announced a change in funding for his showpiece project, the redevelopment of the city’s two riverside parks and the ‘requalification’ of the principal Avenida Octubro 5th.

This 'upgrading' of Olhão, to try and make it the same as all the other tourist areas of the region, now is to be paid for by a grant from the Environmental Fund under its 'Adaptation to Climate Change - Water Resources,' programme.

Millennium and Galp lead serious losses on Portugal's Stock Exchange

cashIn the sharpest series of falls since 2011, Portugal’s PSI-20 saw €3.5 billion lopped of share valuations on Lisbon’s Euronext.

A climate of international political and economic instability triggered a loss of nerve on Friday with the ninth consecutive session ended lower than the last, leaving the Portuguese Stock Index at the year’s low.

Team Sócrates asks judge for pre-trial case review

justiceJosé Sócrates’ defence team left it until the very last minute before submitting a formal request that a judge looks at their client’s case to see if there is a case to answer.

This legal step is unlikely to excuse the former prime minister from having to answer charges, including money laundering and corruption, as Sócrates is the star turn in Operation Marquês that has seen many of Portugal prominent businessmen and politicians investigated and charged.