Cristiano Ronaldo faces jail for Spanish tax fraud

ronaldoThe Economic Crime Section of the Prosecutor's Office in Madrid has filed a complaint against the Real Madrid footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo, for four fiscal crimes committed between 2011 and 2014.

The tax fraud involves €14.7 million, claims the Spanish prosecutor.

University research into tidal power supply for Culatra

riaformosaResearchers from the Algarve’s University have installed a tidal energy device in the Ria Formosa laggon area at Barra de Faro.

The test is to evaluate the feasibility of producing tidal energy in the Ria Formosa. The installation was carried out by a research team working on a project called ‘Sustainability of Energy Production of the Tidal Currents of Ria Formosa’ (SCORE), coordinated by André Pacheco of the Center for Marine and Environmental Research.

BPN bailout has cost Portugal's taxpayers €3.66 billion - and rising

BPNOliveiraThe 2008 collapse of Banco Português de Negócios (BPN) is still being supported by taxpayers with a further €420 million being set aside to cover losses and write-offs incurred in 2016.

BPN appears to have been run for the benefit of its crooked management. As those in charge were incompetent as well as criminals, the bank went bust in 2008, triggering a State bailout that so far, with this 2016 figure added in, has cost the public purse an eye-watering €3.66 billion.


Portimão fire truck destroyed in Marmalete fire

bombeirosA fire in Monchique on Monday afternoon had all the conditions to spread uncontrollably as the hot weather and breeze allowed the blaze rapidly to gain strength and coverage.

The alert was given at 3:37 pm in Portela do Vale in the Marmelete area with the western Algarve’s fire teams soon on the scene with 137 people and 48 vehicles involved.

EN125 road works - deadline extended for 'non-essential' Ponte Nova tower

aradeWith just over two weeks to go for the western section of the EN125 road works to be completed, according to the timetable offered by the Minster for Infrastructure, Pedro Marquês, works on the west tower of Ponte Nova over the River Arade between Lagoa and Portimão is are "almost restarting,” according to information given to Sul Informação which contacted the concession holder, Rotas do Algarve Litoral.

Work on the bridge was suspended a year ago after the first tower was refurbished, with a width and speed restriction left in place as workmen left the project half-completed.

Albufeira's rubbish

rubbishWith the annual increase in the local population during the summer months, more rubbish is produced and the Algarve's council's collection services often can’t cope.

Many people find local rubbish containers overflowing with any overload simply dumped on the ground near collection points.

Algarve pharmacies - one in four is insolvent

pillsA reported 25% of the Algarve’s pharmacies are insolvent or have official charges over their assets (penhoras), according to a statement from the National Association of Pharmacies.

The study released today shows that the number of pharmacies in Portugal that are insolvent, or that have penhoras attached to their assets, continues to rise with a five year increase of 145% showing the financial difficulties the sector faces.

State appointments to TAP board - 'only one of the six has airline experience'

tap2Unsurprisingly, the Left Bloc has questioned the Government on the criteria it used in deciding board appointments at TAP as only one of the seats allocated to the State is to be occupied with someone with experience in the air transport sector.

In a question addressed to the Ministry of Planning and Infrastructures, the Left Bloc’s Heitor de Sousa demanded that in future anyone appointed to the boards of companies in which the State has a shareholding should be scrutinised by parliament.