Work to start on the new Messines multipurpose market and fairground space

messinesAerialA  long-awaited project to build a new exhibition, fair and open market area in São Bartolomeu de Messines, Silves will see contractors start work on June 12th.

The €981,000 investment is planned to be completed within nine months.

easyJet starts new Faro airport summer routes to Nice and Lille

easyjetFaro Airport’s French-owned operator, the Algarve Tourism Association and easyJet today inaugurated new routes to Nice and Lille with the baptism of an Airbus A320 from Lille and a special welcome for all passengers on the inaugural fight.

With the inauguration of the new service for Nice and Lille, the Algarve is connected to 10 French airports with the number of available seats showing a 30% increase this summer over last.

Santander to cut 3,000 jobs after Banco Popular purchase

santander2Banco Santander has announced that with its purchase of Banco Popular for €1, it has become the largest bank in Spain and Banco Santander Totta now is the largest private bank in Portugal in terms of assets.

In today's statement, the institution said that Banco Santander Totta will incorporate Banco Popular Portugal, "creating the conditions to further develop its activity to support Portuguese families and companies," and admitted that 3,000 people will lose their jobs.

Lagos council widens free WiFi access to serve tourists

wifiThe Municipality of Lagos has signed a financing agreement with Turismo de Portugal for the creation of city WI-FI zones.

In addition to some existing zones, Lagos will have five more areas of WiFi coverage, namely in Largo de la Iglesia de Santo António, Praça Infante D. Henrique, Praça de Gil Eanes, Largo do Marquês de Pombal and the area near the municipal market.

Energy supply corruption probe - PM complains that EDP 'turned nasty' when he came into power

edpExcessive payments to EDP were discussed in parliament today, the veteran communist leader, Jerónimo de Sousa, calling on the Socialist Government to end EDP’s "excessive revenues" and use the money to invest in better public transport.

In the fortnightly parliamentary debate with the Prime Minister, the secretary general of the Communist Party said "why must consumers pay these millions of profits for the big energy companies by paying for the most expensive electricity in Europe," referring to the latest row over the hideously complex Power Acquisition Contracts and Costs to Maintain Contractual Equilibrium (CMEC) which electricity consumers have been paying for since market deregulation.

Sócrates ex-girlfriend loses her appeal

socratesGirlfriendTwo years ago, the court ruled that stories published about one of José Sócrates’ ex-girlfriends were in the public interest and that claim for €200,000 for each news item was dismissed.

Journalist, Fernanda Câncio, has lost in court again and Sábado again has the right to publish news about her, her relationship with Sócrates and Operation Marquês.

Environment Minister's coastal defence plan limps along

donaanaPortugal’s pro-oil Environment Minister, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, is concerned about rising water levels and their effect on the national coastline but the €150 million set aside to bolster coastal defences is not yet spent and he is keen to approve more work.

At a Lisbon seminar, ‘The Coastal Zone of Portugal - how can we defend it?’ the minister said that the programme already has seen the approval of 50 kilometres of coastal work but the work needs to be accelerated.

Monchique mining - local Council now gets a say in licensing applications

MonchiqueTownViewPortugal’s Green party asked the Ministry of Economy if it knew what was going on with the feldspar mining application that has Monchique residents and ecological groups on red alert as to further activities by mining company Sifucel.

The Greens wanted to know whether the Ministry of Economy would be paying any attention at all to the local council when considering authorising mining feldspar in Monchique, especially in registered ecological, Natura 2000 and Monchique Special Protection Zone areas.