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First sun-powered flight arrives in Seville

bertrandpicardA flight across the Atlantic powered just by solar energy has touched down in Seville airport. It was the first solo transatlantic solar flight.

The journey of experimental Solar Impulse 2 took 70 hours after departure from New York, leaving its Swiss pilot with the option of just a few short catnaps in an unheated and unpressurised single seat cabin.

Caixa Geral bailout plan will cost the taxpayer €5 billion

caixageralThe management of Portugal’s latest financial catastrophe, the State-owned bank Caixa Geral do Depósitos, is to present a plan by the weekend for a €5 billion refinancing package.

The proposal already has been approved in principle by the Left Bloc, the Communist Party and The Greens wioth the former coalition parties calling for a full inquiry into the bank's past and current management.

Portuguese grocery costs lowest in western Europe

shoppingbasketThe cost of buying food in Portugal is below but fairly close to the average price in the EU countries, coming in at 94% of that cost.

Eurostat conducted a price survey of 440 products across Europe trying to assess the purchasing power in the nations.

Algarve is tinder-dry with Monchique now a 'maximum fire risk' area

bragancafirePortugal’s weather service has issued a ‘high fire risk’ warning that weeks of fine weather and winds have dried out the Algarve’s countryside.

Seven council areas in the Algarve have been warned to be extra alert for fires and for citizens to take care to follow fire prevention measures.

Demolitions to sweep away bars and villas at 11 more Algarve beaches

donaanaThe beachside demolitions recently undertaken at Monte Gordo in the far eastern Algarve are part of a Coastal Zone Management Plan that covers the shoreline and immediate land between Vilamoura in the central Algarve and Vila Real de Santo António overlooking the Spanish border.

This plan was approved in 2005 and eleven years later, the demolition of two old, abandoned restaurants went ahead with no public outcry as plans commence to change Monte Gordo into a higher-class tourist zone.

Sir Cliff may sue BBC after "two years of hell"

cliff2016'I lay on the floor crying, I thought I was going to die': cleared after two years of hell, Cliff Richard has given his first interview since being cleared of sex abuse accusations and reveals how being accused wrecked his health and he thought he would die.

Sir Cliff also lays bare his fury at South Yorkshire Police who launched the probe and says he is considering suing the BBC for broadcasting live from the raid on his Berkshire home.

TAP boss wants €6.8 million in backdated performance bonuses

taplogoThe president of TAP is claiming backdated bonuses totalling €6.8 million for him and his management team.

Fernando Pinto claims that the bonuses date from 2009 and that they are part of the terms and conditions of his and his team’s engagement and performance.

Botched Banif 'resolution' - European Commissioners say it was nothing to do with them

baniflogo2The European Commission has sent a letter of explanation about the collapse and sale of Banif Bank to members of the parliamentary commission of inquiry.

The Commissioners say it became "evident" that at the end of December 2015, Banif was in a parlous state and the main thing was to avoid a "disorderly liquidation."