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Another gold rush on eve of the big vote

goldfiversInvestors have been diving into gold bullion and coins as the EU referendum day approaches.

Since June, the Royal Mint has recorded increased transactions, up by 32% over the month of May.

Social Security debtors 'list of shame' back online after three years

segurancasocialThe Social Security online ‘list of shame’ has gone live today after a break of three years.

The list will be released in three stages with a full account of debtors online by the year end available for anyone to look at.

EU extends sanctions against Russia

russiandocksThe European Union has decided to renew sanctions against Russia for another six months in order to maintain pressure over the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The unanimous decision was reached by ambassadors from the 28 member states on Tuesday. It must be approved by EU ministers which may happen as early as next week.

Spain’s sherry crop being hit hard by blight

grapesSherryMildewA warm spring with a lot of rain has resulted in the growth of a mildew fungus which is proving to be a threat to sherry production in Jerez region of Andalusia.

Wine producers are apprehensive that as much as 80% of the grape harvest could be lost.

Anti-Corruption Unit police inspector arrested for corruption

breakpadsAn inspector in the Judicial Police, serving in the National Anti-Corruption Unit, found himself among 19 people arrested on suspicions of ... corruption.

The inspector's sepciality was stopping ​​the circulation of counterfeit credit cards and counterfeit currency.

Tavira tart-up triggers €3 million property scramble

tavira2Tavira council decided in 2014 to designate certain areas of the city for urban renewal, a tactic that has paid off well, attracting private real estate investment in excess of €3 million at a cost to the council of well under €100,000.

The creation of an Urban Renewal Area in downtown Tavira allowed the council to obtain EU funds to repair parts of the historic center and as well as attract the private investment.

Morocco and the Algarve are studying cooperation in fish farming

fish2Morocco's National Agency for the Development of Aquaculture (ANDA) and the University of Algarve are studying the best way they can cooperate in producing farmed fish which is an undeveloped sector in Morocco, according to ANDA's director Maarouf Majida.

The director said he wants exponentially to increase the current Moroccan annual output of 700 tons aquaculture fish and that this was the reason for his two day visit to the Algarve region during which he aimed to collect information and promote joint projects and scientific investigation.

PM turns on the charm for European Council President's Lisbon visit

donaldTuskSanctions apparently were off the agenda at today’s meeting between Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa and the hard-to-please Polish President of the European Council Donald Tusk, but the PM said that targets will be met this year and his view is that all will be well so there's no need for sanctions at all, they would just make things worse.

They did admit to discussing the United Kingdom and a possible Brexit vote on Thursday, which could be "the first step in a European disintegration process," according to Tusk who noted the growing dissatisfation from within Europen member states for those that are running the European Union.