Facts & figures: UK v Portugal Covid-19 for discussion

FACTS & FIGURES: UK V PORTUGAL COVID-19 FOR DISCUSSIONWhy is Portugal being highlighted as a Danger Zone, apparently victimised by the UK Government, when in fact it is the UK which is the Danger Zone ? Let's look at some calculations...

Population of the UK :   67,000,000 /  Deaths due to Covid-19   = 46,000  (approx.)

(a)   Calculation

 46,000 / 67,000,000 =   0.0006865       (Percentage ratio per head of population)


Population of Portugal:    10,000,000  /  Deaths due to Covid-19  =  1,700  (approx.)

(b)   Calculation

1,700  / 10,000,000  =  0.00017         (Percentage ratio per head of population)     


Incidence of deaths:                                                                                         

(c).  Calculation

0.000687 /   0.00017     =    4.038    (Incidence of deaths in the UK appear to be 4 times higher than the incidence of deaths in Portugal caused by the Covid Virus?)


In order for the amount of deaths in Portugal to on par with the UK, then the amount of deaths would be;

(d). Calculation

Deaths in Portugal:    1,700  x   4.038    = 6,864.60  

(But as shown above the deaths in Portugal have been 1,700 NOT 6,865)



Let’s do a final check on the above figures, in order to make the ratio equivalent to the UK population: 

We will go to the last step shown above; 1,700 x 4.038 =  6,864.60

So 6,864.60 is how many deaths you would expect the UK to have if it had a population of 10,000,000. Whereas, it actually has a population of 67,000,000, we therefore need to times by that ratio which is worked out here: 

67,000,000 ÷ 10,000,00 = 6.7

Then we take that ratio times the deaths so:  6,864.6 x 6.7 = 45,992.82  ( Circa 46,000)


Have I correctly calculated the above figures?  They appear to show that Incidence of deaths in the UK to be substantially higher than the incidence of deaths in Portugal as caused by the Covid Virus?

The question is: Why is Portugal being highlighted as a Danger Zone, apparently victimised by the UK Government, when in fact it is the UK which is the Danger Zone ?

Please tell me that I am wrong.