The Algarve! Is it safe?

THE ALGARVE! IS IT SAFE?We are British. We have been coming to the Algarve for at least 30 years, and have a house here. Portugal is the most lovely, most welcoming and just fantastic place in the whole world! I know, I am lucky enough to have spent my working life travelling to most countries! I fell in love with the Algarve in 1967. 

When Covd-19 struck, we couldn’t get a flight out here, so like everyone else we stayed home in isolation, our daughters doing our shopping.  For more than four months we watched and listened to our government make mistake after mistake, misjudging every single event, not being able to cope, just simply out of their depth in every way!  

We were sick to death of excuses, and they bumbled from one disaster to another! Of course it wasn’t easy. We all know that, but to continue to confuse us all every time they made any decision at all? Awful!!

Then they decided Portugal was NOT on the List! Out of 63 countries, it was too dangerous to fly here, so quarantine! If and when you returned? Enough is enough! Pot calling the kettle black?

We flew out here two weeks ago! We have been shopping, - the big Mar shopping centre, local restaurants, Lidl and continente supermarkets. We have yet to see somebody NOT wearing a mask! Every establishment you enter has a entry and exit door, hand sanitoiser gel, and keep two meters apart.  Restaurants, shown to a well spaced table, which has been sanitised after the last customer left, the menus wiped clean! All staff wear full protection! Amazing! Just how these people in Cambridge have got this all wrong is quite beyond me!  The Algarve still has only 17 deaths from COVID-19!

No, they don’t have the NHS, but the way they are coping, and right from day one, unlike the U., they have been correctly dealing with this virus, and it’s as safe here as anywhere in Europe! And still the UK thinks otherwise!

My only thought, and worry, is all these morons in the UK, who think it’s beyond belief as to why they should wear masks! And they all come over to holiday in the Algarve, is what they might bring with them??

But to all other British familys, who want a wonderful relaxing safe holiday in the most beautiful country, bar none, in Europe, this place is the safest place you can visit!    The Portuguese are the most friendly, lovely and welcoming,

The UK government are wrong! Surprise surprise! So much confusion! Don’t listen! This is heaven!