
Google Ads news by Clarity

Google Ads news by ClarityA new interactive ad format is coming to Google Search Ads!

Recently Google has announced that, until the end of this year, they are going to make available to all advertisers a new ads format – the Gallery Ads. Google has been testing this feature since February, so some lucky accounts might already have it available.

The Gallery Ad is a large carousel of images that can be swiped horizontally or, if you click on one of the images, also opens vertically. If the user swipes to the end of the gallery, he will find a call-to-action to go to the advertiser’s website.

To create this ad the advertisers will have to upload 4 to 8 images, up to 3 headlines and a description of up to 70 characters.
This new ad format will only be eligible to appear at the top (first position) of Google’s search results page and only in the mobile version, though Google later said that it might add more eligible placements and expand it to the desktop version as well.
Gallery ads will compete in the auction not only against other gallery ads, but also, and mostly, against the text ads. And the way advertisers will be charged if using these ads is also new: either by cost-per-click, as usual, or after the user swipes through three images.

These new ads are not likely to be a game changer when it comes to conversions, but they will definitely play a big role in assisting them, raising engagement and brand awareness.
We can’t wait to test them and see the results! What about you? Will you add the new Gallery Ads to your campaigns?

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.


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