
MORE News in Google Ads by Clarity

MORE News in Google Ads by ClarityMore and more news coming in from Google Ads! This time, advertisers are going to get more settings regarding the bidding strategies. These updates are going to be available in accounts within the next weeks, for some advertisers, or the next months, for others.

Whatever the case may be for you, we’re happy to share all the details, so that you can prepare and make a plan for an updated strategy.

So, what is going to be added to Google Ads?
1. Conversions on a campaign level. You will be able to define which conversions (or set of conversions) should be seen as the main goal for each campaign. For instance, you may have one campaign for promoting a video on your website and thus the main conversion will be video view; and another campaign whose objective is submitting a quote request form, that being thus its main conversion. With this information, using automated bidding strategies like, for example, Maximize Conversions, Google will be able to make better choices on the bids and concentrate more on the goals that are important for your business.

2. For conversion-based automated strategies, Google is adding seasonality adjustments that you can use to edit the bidding, based on the changes your business undergoes throughout the year.

3. New automated bidding strategy – the Maximize Conversion Value. If you choose to use it, Google will adjust your bids to optimise for the best conversion value within your budget.

4. Conversion value rules. You will be able to create these rules based on location, audience or device.

These coming updates are quite exciting, as Google is giving us more control over the automated bidding strategies, making it possible to further customise them, based on the peculiarities of each business.
So, keep an eye on your accounts to be the first one to use the new settings, once they become available, and get ahead of your competition.

For more information, bespoke strategies and efficient digital marketing solutions, just contact the Clarity’s girls through info@yourdigitalclarity.com or visit our website at www.yourdigitalclarity.com.


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