
How technology has improved online and land-based casinos

HOW TECHNOLOGY HAS IMPROVED ONLINE AND LAND-BASED CASINOSGames of chance have been around for centuries. In fact, Roulette is said to have roots dating all the way back to the ancient Greek and Roman times, where soldiers would spin weapons between battles, betting on the outcome.

Over time, the games we know and love today have evolved, becoming staples in modern-day casinos, both land-based and online.

As technology has evolved, and smartphones making way for better internet speeds, the world of casino gaming has worked hard to keep up. Now, it’s hard to imagine life without the internet, cameras or smartphones – and for the casino industry the involvement of tech has been monumental.

Read on to find out more.

Online casino

When the first online casino to allow automated payouts made its debut in 1996, the websites were basic, and games limited in what you could do. Only the likes of Roulette and Blackjack were available to play at first, and online Slots weren’t far behind. But it wasn’t until the mid-2000s that online gaming really started to evolve.

Eventually, more people gained access to a computer, and as technology catered to the increased demand, gaming developers could also begin thinking outside the box.

New mechanics were added to slot games and live casino gaming flourished.

At the start, live games could be interrupted by a simple telephone call to the landline, but now, a wide variety of games can be played from any device, in real-time, offering a seamless casino experience!

This is all thanks to state-of-the-art technology like Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, a Game Control Unit (GCU) and HD cameras – to name a few.

Nowadays, you might even find some live casino games are available to play in Virtual Reality (VR), proving how the gaming industry is truly adapting to modern-day technology and standing the test of time.

Land-based casinos

When we think of technology in the gaming industry, it’s no wonder we first lean towards online casino gaming. However, tech has also played an integral part in the development of land-based venues, improving the safety, fairness and regulation of games.

Examples of this include:

  • Facial recognition software

In brick-and-mortar establishments, facial recognition is used to keep track of the less-desirable players who may have been banned from a casino in the past for cheating, or disruptive behaviour for example.

Ultimately, this software is installed to keep each venue safe so gaming can be an enjoyable experience for all.

  • Non-Obvious Relationship Analysis (NORA)

NORA is used to keep a casino’s data safe. In simple terms, this technology can detect links between those searching the internet for data that would, or should, be hidden.

  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID technology is used to track labels attached to casino chips. This means the venue can track their chips, making sure no fakes are being used, or any are being stolen. Again, this ensures gameplay remains safe, fair and fun for all.

It’s clear that both online and land-based casinos are keeping up with the times, constantly evolving to make sure you can enjoy the best gaming experience possible, however you decide to play.


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