Bella Acapella was back on stage in Tavira

BELLA ACAPELLA WAS BACK ON STAGE IN TAVIRAA church filled with a focused and smiling audience, a chorus turning its back as one lonely voice sang in this surprising opener. So it began, and it was powerful this Saturday 8th of April in the Misericórdia church.

Proceeding with joy and energy, songs about resilience, friendship and love filled this beautiful space: “The Climb, Happy together, Isn’t She lovely and The Rhythm of love” led the way into this one hour performance.

With a little gesture from the MD, the chorus descended the stairs, surrounded him, getting closer to the audience. From here “The Water Is Wide” resonated deeply, immediately followed by the emotional “Hallelujah”. After the moody “Lullaby” the vibes changed with an amazing quartet performance of “Bring Him Home” from the French Opera, Les Misérables.

The concert finale was filled with lightness and fantasy around classical Barbershop songs including “San Francisco Bay Blues, Seven Bridges Road, Love Me and Count On Me”. To the applause of the audience, Dolly Parton’s “Nine to Five” ended the show with euphoria!

And finally for the encore, former and new members were invited to sing along to “San Francisco Bay Blues”, once again showing us that sharing music brings joy, good vibrations and even goose bumps. The energy jumped to another level, when a young boy from the audience was invited to conduct this final song.

The Bella Acapella Chorus is now 31 members strong with 10 nationalities sharing a deep sense of friendship and commitment to each other.

Our Musical Director Rob Does leads with passion, dedication and humour, motivating us to give our best.

If you are curious, come and give it a try. The chorus is especially in need of more bass voices, so if you are a man with a deep voice and always wanted to sing, you can find us on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 pm, at the Re-Criativa Association, Rua Republicá 14, Olhao.

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