
Faro Parish Councils' free gift for owners registering their dogs

dogpooThose parishes making up the municipality of Faro have launched an awareness campaign to reduce the amount of dog excrement being left in streets and public places countywide.

Each dog owner registering their pet, or renewing the obligatory annual dog licence, at any of Faro’s parish councils will receive a free gift - an attractive, blue, bone-shaped, poo-bag dispenser.

The new, less than attractive bag dispenser can be clipped to the dog’s collar or to the dog lead and will ensure owners are “ready for any surprises,” according to the notice sent out today by teh faro Unions of Parishes.

As uncollected dog excrement can cause illnesses, the parish councils advise all dog owners that, "the population in general and especially children playing in public spaces are subject to diseases transmitted by dogs. "

The first responsibility, and indeed 'civic duty,' is for owners immediately to pick up the oft' fetid waste, produced by their companion animals, from public streets, squares, parks and gardens.

This is the responsibility of whoever is walking the dog, whether this is the owner or not.



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