
Portuguese woman dies two days after Covid-19 Pfizer jab

DR PHOTO - PORTUGUESE WOMAN DIES TWO DAYS AFTER COVID-19 PFIZER JABSonia Azevedo, a 41 year old assistant from the Portuguese Institute of Oncology (IPO) in Porto died on January 1st, just two days after being vaccinated against Covid-19. The cause of death is still unknown, but many newspapers are  implying the two events are linked.

In a written response sent to Expresso News the IPO said  "The employee received the vaccine on December 30, and no undesirable effects were reported either at the time of vaccination or during the subsequent days." 
The mum of two is said to have had no prior health conditions.

"The explanation of the cause of death will follow the usual procedures in these circumstances", says the IPO. The autopsy should take place on Monday.

Original article available in Portuguese at http://postal.pt/


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