
Left BLoc MEP's question the European Commission again about the destruction of Alagoas Brancas

Left BLoc MEP's question the European Commission again about the destruction of Alagoas Brancas.José Gusmão and Marisa Matias, MEPs from the Left Bloc, have again questioned the European Commission about the destruction of Alagoas Brancas, in Lagoa.

After having already spoken with the EC in September 2021, José Gusmão warned once more of the fact that biodiversity is decreasing at alarming rates, and that the protection of nature is a key element in the European Ecological Pact.

“The new complaint arises because work in the area has recently resumed in order to build a commercial enterprise, against scientific advice and the will of the population and organizations that have organized demonstrations and appeals”, said the MEPs in a statement. 

Photo by Anabela BlofeldThe scenario described is dramatic, “animals buried alive, birds that appear injured and sick, in addition to a destroyed ecosystem. In the absence of action by the Portuguese government and municipal executives, MEPs call for an embargo on construction works and the classification of Alagoas Brancas as a protected area”.

Alagoas Brancas is a cradle of biodiversity that contains more than 300 species of fauna and flora and is home to 143 species of avifauna that feed and rest there from large migratory and intercontinental trips.

The area is included in the project for the Enhancement of Wetlands in the Algarve, which also includes Lagoa dos Salgados, the Alcantarilha Marsh (Albufeira, Silves), Trafal and Foz do Almargem (Loulé). All of them are extremely rich in wildlife and are home to species with high protection status, in accordance with Decree-Law n.º 49/2005.

MEP José Gusmão warns of “the fact that biodiversity is decreasing at alarming rates, and that the protection of nature is a key element in the European Ecological Pact. The areas in question are heavily threatened, both by the accumulation of urban waste and by the high real estate pressure on the part of the tourism industry”.

“A year ago we alerted to the fact that Alagoas Brancas are at risk, that they should have the status of a wetland of interest, not be developed for real estate. With no action, this area is now being destroyed to make way for a commercial enterprise, against scientific advice and the will of the population and organizations that are insurgent”, said José Gusmão and Marisa Matias.

Alagoas Brancas is “a cradle of biodiversity, wetlands are key ecosystems for the preservation of biological diversity, climate regulation and the hydrological cycle”.

“The 2030 Biodiversity Strategy identifies the need to increase the coverage of protected areas in the EU to 30% of the EU's land and sea areas, protecting them accordingly. Bearing this in mind, and given that the Portuguese Government and municipal executives continue to ignore this situation, does the European Commission consider acting this time to embargo the work taking place there and classify this area before its destruction is irreversible?”, concluded the MEPs. 

The outcome remains to be seen.

Source https://postal.pt/

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