
Red water in Silves: a week after contamination, water supply is still cut off

RED WATER IN SILVES: A WEEK AFTER CONTAMINATION, WATER SUPPLY IS STILL CUT OFFA week after red wine coloured water appeared in the taps, in Vale de Lousas, Silves, residents still have no mains water supply. The firefighters are helping with tankers, but until the results of the analyses arrive, the health delegate has ordered that the supply of the public network is not restored.

See previous article: https://algarvedailynews.com/news/21198-red-water-running-from-the-taps-in-vale-de-lousa-silves

A week ago, to the astonishment of the local people, reddish coloured water started to come out of the taps, Now, the problem still hasn't been resolved and, twice a day, the firefighters' supply around 100 inhabitants of Vale de Lousas with water. 

Midweek last week, the health delegate, confronted with very high levels of manganese and iron in the water, determined that until the circumstances and causes were known, residents should abstain from consuming tap water. Throughout the week, several purges and analyses were carried out.

“We have been doing analyses and downloads every day to check. The situation is under control, the water is fit for consumption, however, we await orders from the health delegate to reopen the system” , says Rui Santos, an employee of the Câmara de Silves.

The relevant services ensure that there is no change in the PH of the water and expect that the result of the analyses will allow the reopening of the network soon. It still remains to be explained who and how the contamination of the public supply system happened, affecting around a hundred people.

Source https://postal.pt/

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