
Norway tops the world for over-60s

osloNorway got the highest marks as the country where it is best to live as an older person, despite its reputation for deep snow, long winter nights, and expensive prices.

But its long-established policies provide financial security to retired people as well as a good amount of employment opportunities for senior citizens. Norway has one of the highest levels of over-60s in work.

Gangs tattoo victims

tattooVictims of trafficking have been tattooed by gangs which want to show “ownership”, according to the UK’s National Crime Agency.

A spokesperson said there was emerging evidence that tattoos had been used to mark victims “like cattle”.

Justice system - one month on and Citius 'works in the Açores'

dacruzPortugal’s Justice Minister, Paula Teixeira da Cruz, (pictured) has taken action in the Citius computer system fisaco and after a month of the country’s court system remaining at a standstill, is ‘preparing’ a law to suspend judicial deadlines.

The Ministry of Justice informed an eager press today that the embattled minister is preparing a legislative project to suspend judicial deadlines as the computer system has failed to function for the past month.

Novo Banco sale - no pressure then...

novobancoPortugal’s Economy Minister has praised Novo Banco boss Stock da Cunha while distancing himself and the government from a sale timetable, "It is not for the Government to conduct" the sale of the bank.

Pires de Lima said today that he expects the administration of Novo Banco to complete the sale of the institution during 2015.

Portugal's students gloomy but Algarve Uni attracts record numbers

student loanAlmost most half of Portugal's university students say they will have to leave the country to find work, according to an independent study carried out in cooperation with the Catholic University in Lisbon.

The study, 'Generation 2020 - the future of Portugal in the eyes of university students' recorded 46% of respondents with this viewpoint.

Lower eurozone prices drag down inflation

eurozone2Inflation in the eurozone has descended to its lowest level since October 2009.

The five-year low was announced by Eurostat which said that September’s consumer price inflation is expected to be just 0.3% on average, down from 0.4% the month before.

Court knocks back Catalan independence vote

spainriot2The proposed referendum on independence in Catalonia has been suspended by Spain’s Constitutional Court.

The suspension comes as a result of a request by Prime Minister Rajoy’s conservative government for the court to declare the referendum illegal.

Jobless woes continue

unemployedUnemployment in the euro area remains highest in Greece and Spain.

Portugal experienced the region’s biggest drop in unemployment, falling during the year from 16% to 14%. This left 725,000 people officially recorded as unemployed.