
Barclays Portugal to shrink yet further

barclayshqBarclays Bank may close a further 60 branches in Portugal and reduce the staff head count by 350 to 400 jobs.

According to news agency Lusa the company's third plan in three years has been approved by London and will be put into action in next few weeks with a completion date set for the end of the year.

Four Portuguese wineries in worldwide 'Top 100'

vinesThe American magazine 'Wine & Spirits' today published its Top 100 best wineries in the world shortlist for 2014 and on that list are four Portuguese wineries.

The household name Hedade do Esporão, Quinta do Noval, Quinta Álvaro Castro from the Dão region, and Quinta da Romaneira, one of the oldest cellars from the Douro region all feature in this widely referred to list in the US market and beyond.

Lisbon slows to a halt in torrential rain

lisbonfloodTorrential rain fell this afternoon on Lisbon causing flooding and transport chaos.

The water reached half a metre in depth in many areas, stopping traffic and leaving pedestrians struggling or seeking shelter.

Questions remain over Passos Coelho's income

passoscoelho2The office of the secretary-general of the National Assembly has stated that "there is no statement of exclusivity between November 1995 and 1999" in the name of Pedro Passos Coelho.

Pedro Passos Coelho therefore was not receiving an enhanced salary between November 1995 and 1999 -  a position inconveniently contradicted by the facts.

BES brand killed off in Novo Banco branch revamp

novobancoNovo Banco, the new BES, has started to have its old signage and in-branch publicity changed.

Today’s announcement released by Novo Banco stated that the change of identity will be progressive as there are 600 branches to be closed or re-branded.

Ministry of Finance unable to cope with 'toll dodger' overload

4812Fines for drivers using formerly free roads such as the Algarve’s Via do Infante and not paying for the privilege has reached €2.79 million.

There are an estimated two million cases of non-payment of tolls and the Ministry of Finance already has started proceedings in 130,957 cases with threats of siezing property and vehicles if the tolls, fines and interest are not settled in full.

Authorities question 700 non-Portuguese in Operation Safe Summer

pspThe Foreigners and Borders Service’s (SEF) part in ‘Operation Safe Summer’ involved questioning 700 non-Portuguese, mostly in tourist areas of the Algarve.

Officers found that 48 were in the country quite illegally.

Parliament unanimously approves Algarve healthcare proposals

nurseTo the delight of the socialist party sponsors, parliament unanimously has voted for a range of measures to improve aspects of the Algarve's deteriorating health service.

Among recommendations in the draft resolution presented by the socialists was the maintenance of healthcare centres and their respective satellites located in the mountainous and remote areas of ​​the Algarve, and the creation of incentives to keep health professionals in the region, among others.